Chang-Xi Wo is a research analyst at Sustainable Development Solutions Network Kuala Lumpur Office, primarily focusing on Target 16.6 (develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels) and Target 16.7 (16.7 ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels).
Before joining SDSN, he read law at the University of Malaya and worked as a research assistant to Professor Wong Chin Huat on projects related to a series of remedies to deter party hopping in Malaysia and a state-level Top-Up Women Additional Seats (TWOAS) to address low women representation in Malaysia’s legislative chambers.
Working under the Designing Institutes for Good Governance team in the Kuala Lumpur Office, his current interests are on the topic of Parliamentary Institution, Local Democracy and Electoral System, and provision of public funding and regulating of finances in political activities.