Zofia Kunysz is a Project Manager in the Networks team. She coordinates SDSN’s work on several EU Horizon- and Erasmus-funded projects, such as ARSINOE, IMPETUS and CATALYST. She also supports the SDSN Europe initiative. Before joining the SDSN, Zofia worked as an intern at the OECD, where she focused on the technical issues in climate negotiations with the Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG). Prior to that, she worked for a sustainability ratings company where she analysed sustainability performance of Spanish and Latin American companies. She also completed an internship with the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment, where she worked on international cooperation and the Minister’s campaign for the position of OECD Secretary-General.
Zofia holds a master’s degree in Environmental Policy from Sciences Po Paris and a bachelor’s degree in Global Business, Finance and Governance from the Warsaw School of Economics. She speaks Polish, English, Spanish and French.