April 2024 Employee Spotlight - Celebrating Daniel Bernstein!

Through our employee spotlight campaign, the SDSN will showcase our amazing employees to honor and celebrate the incredible strides they are making toward advancing SDSN's mission.

We are delighted to launch the campaign with Daniel Bernstein, Special Assistant for the Science Panel for the Amazon & Program Associate for the Climate and Energy team! We asked Daniel five questions about himself and his work at the SDSN. Read on to learn more.

Which SDG are you most passionate about?

7 &13

What is the best part about working at SDSN?

I expected the best part to be working on the SDGs and being so actively involved in international action — and that has been great. But the best part has been how much I've enjoyed the people I've worked with.

What is something that you are proud to have accomplished while working at SDSN?

When I was in high school, I was a big Model UN nerd. I did all the conferences and committees and everything, and I was obsessed with the UN and the SDGs. Now, I've worked on clean energy issue briefs for the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition and I'm organizing meetings for the Science Panel for the Amazon. I'm proud to say that I work in sustainable development, which is exactly what I would have hoped for as a teenager.

In one word, describe the 2030 Agenda.


What is a fun fact about you? What’s something others might not know about you?

In college, I was in an a cappella group for bad singers called the Mediocre Melodies.