Caribbean Youth Entrepreneurs Seminar

On October 5, 2019, young people gathered at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies to hear from six young entrepreneurs on how they can tap into entrepreneurship. The Youth Entrepreneurs Development Seminar was organized by SDSN Caribbean and the Institute for Sustainable Development of the University of the West Indies. The seminar addressed two Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth, and Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure. The event was directed at young people, and aimed to demonstrate how Jamaican youth continue to break barriers as entrepreneurs.

Each presenter delivered a ten minute presentation about the nature of entrepreneurship and how they found their niche, the importance of entrepreneurship in sustainable livelihoods, and advice on how to manage and navigate
situations that can give rise to discouragement. The keynote speaker was Dr. Corrinne Graham, President of Graham International Consulting and Research Inc. and Designs by Dr. G. She is also a trainer and management consultant to
small and start-up businesses and specializes in strategies for small business growth, development, research, and training. Dr. Graham spoke about funding opportunities and how to set up a small business.

A panel discussion followed, featuring

  • Tyrone Wilson, Founder/President and CEO of eMedia Interactive group, a creative and innovative digital media and advertising business
  • Randy McLaren, a graduate of the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur and creative activist who founded Bresheh bags, which designs and creates backpacks and handbags for local and international markets
  • Courtney Morris, Founder and Managing Director of 44 Miles Jewelry, which specializes in designing jewelry using items retrieved from the natural environment
  • Ryan Scott, student leader and visual communicator
  • Kerry-Ann Willis, Managing Director of EcoSmartSip, which produces drinking straws made from glass in her no plastic straw campaign to protect the natural environment and reduce Jamaica’s carbon footprint
  • Neville Charlton, Founder and Chairman of Youth Inspiring Positive Change JA. Ltd that is working to stem violence and negative culture among young people in Jamaican communities

The discussion was chaired by Dr. David Smith, Chair of SDSN Caribbean. Over 60 people attended, and participants left saying they had received sound advice from the seminar and were encouraged to embark on starting their own businesses.