Exploring Aristotelian Epistemology and Ethics: Prof. Sachs visits Greece
Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of SDSN, recently visited Greece together with Dr. Sonia Sachs , Director, Health Sector, Center for Sustainable Development. During his stay he attended a two-week program organized by SDSN Greece and SDSN Black Sea.
On July 25, 2019, Prof. Sachs met with professors from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUoT) and presented his proposal for the development of an economic model based on the principles of Aristotelian ethical philosophy. Prof. Sachs is currently developing a humanistic economic model based on the principles of Aristotle’s ethics, bringing to the forefront a global interest in Aristotle. He expressed his willingness to support the goal of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Aristotle Studies of AUTH to promote the work of the Stageirite philosopher worldwide. The meeting was attended by several high-ranking university officials and the relevant press release can be accessed here.
From July 29 to August 2, 2019, SDSN Greece held a symposium titled “Neo-Classical Economics Reconsidered within Plato’s and Aristotle’s Epistemological and Ethical Framework,” hosted at the historical library of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, courtesy of the Panos Laskaridis family. The symposium was led by Professor Nikitas Pittis , University of Piraeus, and Prof. Sachs with contributors from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens , the Athena Research and Innovation Center , and the Athens University of Economics and Business.
During the Symposium, Plato’s and Aristotle’s main theories were revisited in order to assess their potential for reforming the Neoclassical Economics paradigm towards including Aristotelian Ethics. SDSN Greece envisages for this Symposium to become an annual interdisciplinary academic event, bringing together world experts that aim to develop an interdisciplinary framework based on Aristotelian Epistemology and Ethics, within which the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development will be facilitated.
During his stay, Professor Sachs also met with the Environment and Energy Minister Kostis Hatzidakis in order to discuss Greece’s shift to a sustainable development model. The focus of the meeting was the potential pathways in which Greece can combine environmental protection with the attraction of significant investment and the creation of new jobs on a large scale. The relevant press release can be accessed here (in Greek), which was widely disseminated in all Greek mass media.
Lastly, Prof. Sachs and selected seminar participants attended a dinner meeting hosted by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations , Laskaridis Shipping Company LTD and Lavinia Bulk Limited, where discussions focused on Sustainability Transition of the Shipping Industry, in particular, and Sustainable Blue Growth, in general.
Related to these discussions, SDSN will launch the 4-SEAS Sustainable Blue Growth Initiative: Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caspian and Aral Seas, as well as a Global Roundtable on Zero- Emission Ocean Shipping, including world-leading ship technologists, ship owners, shipbuilders, and ports worldwide during the 3rd Sustainability Summit from 16 th -17th October, organized by The Economistand SDSN Greece.