Financing Urban Sustainable Development

IEFE-Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy of Bocconi University, in collaboration with UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Thematic Network Urban Development and the European Commission, will host an international conference on the topic "Financing urban sustainable development" on May 27, 2016.

IEFE-Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy of Bocconi University, in collaboration with UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – Thematic Network on Urban Development, and the European Commission, organized an international conference on May 27th on “Financing Urban Sustainable Development”, with the aim to set the current agenda on urban sustainability and identify solutions in collaboration with key stakeholders to finance the implementation of sustainable development initiatives in the urban sector. The focus of the conference was on the European and Italian context. The conference brought together experts from international organizations, financial institutions, universities and research centers, as well as representatives from the EU, national, and local governments.

As a result of this conference IEFE Bocconi, in collaboration with the SDSN Urban Thematic Network is setting up a research task force dedicated to financing urban sustainable development within the activities of its Green Economy Observatory ( ) and its research program on sustainable, low carbon smart cities.

The presentations of the conference are available following this link.
Event page
Conference programme