IFLA, UNESCO, and SDSN Position Paper: Creating a Global Knowledge Commons for Mission 4.7. - UN HLPF Virtual Side Event

On July 15, 2024, at 08:00 AM ET, IFLA, UNESCO and SDSN will hold an online side event to the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF). This side event session will formally launch a position paper by IFLA, UNESCO and SDSN on the importance of partnerships with libraries to create Open Science, Data, Education Resources for use in Education and Training for Sustainable Development.

Libraries can be a key partner in underwriting a Global Knowledge Commons for the SDGs; ethics, standards, systems, processes, and practices including quality assurance processes, discoverability, interoperability, archiving, preservation, copyright, licensing and rights retention, skills and training and equity in curation and access. Specific applications on these building blocks would include libraries’ contribution (creation, publishing and/or making openly accessible) of content to the global public good to engage in SDG 17 partnerships for distance and open teaching and learning; capacities across nations, parliaments/governments and in low resourced communities, in Citizen Science. The sharing of openly licensed digital content in support of the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) supports the United Nations Secretary General’s Road Map for Digital Cooperation, and Commitment #7 of ‘Our Common Agenda’: “Improve digital cooperation”, actions that effectively contribute to the Global Digital Compact.

To join the event, please register: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5UvdeyrrT4rE9fcTWm8dPxNwcS6vaxdfhLD


  • Niamh Brennan , Trinity College Dublin and SDSN


  • Stephen Wyber, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
  • Patrick Paul Walsh , SDSN
  • Zepney Varoglu, Communication and Information, UNESCO
  • Thanos Giannakopoulos, UN Library
  • Benjamin Meunier, The Knowledge Equity Network
  • Trine Jensen, IAU
  • Jayashri Wyatt, UN AI