June 2024 Spotlight - Celebrating Nardos Berehe!

Through our employee spotlight campaign, the SDSN showcases our amazing employees and volunteers to honor and celebrate the incredible strides they are making toward advancing SDSN's mission.

This month, we are spotlighting Nardos Berehe, Program Lead of SDSN Youth! We asked Nardos five questions about herself and her work with the SDSN. Read on to learn more.

Which SDG are you most passionate about?

My dedication to social impact fosters a profound interest in each goal. Drawing from my experiences and aspiration for a prosperous Africa, I have been meticulously engaging with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1, 4, 8, 13, and 17, striving for their successful implementation in my continent and beyond.

What is the best part about working at SDSN?

At SDSN, the best part of experience lies in collaborating with global leaders championing the transformative agenda at the core of their work. SDSN offers a life-changing opportunity to engage with brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds, fostering a network of like-minded experts who share a common vision for a better world with a strong sense of camaraderie. This collaborative platform allows us to transfer knowledge, and exchange ideas and best practices, ultimately leading to innovative solutions and more effective strategies for achieving the SDGs. Our collective endeavor not only enriches our personal and professional growth but also contributes to the creation of a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all.

What is something that you are proud to have accomplished while working at SDSN?

I led the membership program that consists of 800 innovative youth-led ventures working towards the SDGs.

In one word, describe the 2030 Agenda.


What is a fun fact about you? What’s something others might not know about you?

I love writing and aspire to contribute and author books on various topics revolving around sustainability and impact investment, exchanging and sharing my knowledge and insights.