May 2024 Employee Spotlight - Celebrating Gabriela Arnal!

Through our employee spotlight campaign, the SDSN will showcase our amazing employees to honor and celebrate the incredible strides they are making toward advancing SDSN's mission.

We are delighted to launch the campaign with Gabriela Arnal, Communications Consultant for the Science Panel for the Amazon! We asked Gabriela five questions about herself and her work at the SDSN. Read on to learn more.

Which SDG are you most passionate about?

I am passion about many, but if having to pick one, it would SDG 5 - Gender Equality

What is the best part about working at SDSN?

I think the best thing about working at SDSN is being surrounded by a team with people from very different backgrounds and profiles, with different skills and knowledge, from whom you can learn and exchange. Also, the feeling that the work we are doing is doing our bit to build a more sustainable future.

What is something that you are proud to have accomplished while working at SDSN?

I am proud to have promoted strategic communication as a transversal pillar for the work of our team, and not as a small additional item. Without communicating, our efforts are lost, and that is why we must insist on its importance.

In one word, describe the 2030 Agenda.


What is a fun fact about you? What’s something others might not know about you?

I was a girl scout from a very young age until I was a young adult woman. This means I love camping, community service, and leadership development for girls and women.